Friday, 8 August 2014

Zoya Dream - swatches and review

Time for Holothon 2.0! This time with a real showstopper! So beautiful you just want to cry, well almost ;)

Really just weak scattered hologlitter in a dark blue jelly base but never the less soooo stunning!! On top of this it has a great formula too.

Three pics today of Dream in three different lightings and it's wonderful in every single one! This polish goes on my top ten list - ever!


Type of polish: Holographic.

Number of coats: Two.

Formula: Very good! So easy to control!

Brush: Thin straight cut brush.

Top Coat: Yes. 

Grade: 5++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/5


  1. Wow ! I have 3 holographic polishes from Zoya and I LOVE them all. Dream came out later and when I wanted to buy it was out of stock. In the end, I missed it. Such a lovely color, I bet the holographic effect is awesome. Kisses !

  2. Wooooooow! Första bilden speciellt fick mig att slå en volt sådä lite inombords men alla bilderna på lacket är ju underbart! :D

  3. Dear. Lord.
    (I LOVE your new layout. SO classy, clear and nice.)

  4. Love, love, love this polish and your new design as well! Very clean and nice.

  5. I agree with you: it is just the best blue Zoya nail polish in the world!
    (I like a lot the new layout too) ^_^

  6. I understand why it goes on your top ten list, it is really gorgeously beautiful! :-)

  7. It's a really pretty blue! I do love this deep blue and with those holo sparkles wow! :-)

  8. This is the best Zoya ever and I didn't grab it 'cause I've got PP Cosmos in my drawers. But I love it, oh.....I do.

  9. This is stunning! Reminds me of the starry night sky.

  10. De två första bilderna är helt magiska! Ser ut som en tecknad natthimmel, ett sådant djup att det knappt känns äkta:)

  11. Holy crap I still have no words!!! And this for sure deserved a pedestral in the Olymp of nailpolish!!!! Loooove it - puss puss and cuddles to Smilla xxx

  12. Wow, nästan löjligt vackert!

  13. This IS really a dream!!! Gorgeous nail polish *____*

  14. Vilket drömlack! Jag har sett bilder förut men nu bara måste jag ju ha det!

  15. On my WL since forever, never find here :)

  16. Väldigt fint, mycket trevligt djup!

  17. It's on the top of my wishlist. I think it will be the first purchase I will do in the US during my honeymoon!


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