Saturday 11 May 2013

Poor little cat...

Today there will be no polish post... :/ Our cat Smilla is poorly and I haven't had time to prepare a polish post. I'm also working from dusk till dawn today... But hopefully I'll be back tomorrow! Welcome back then!

Look at her swollen little paw and sad eyes... :(

Have a nice Saturday! :)


  1. Hoppas lilla Smilla kryar på sig, jag vet hur jobbigt det är när ens katter är sjuka och dåliga.
    Kram! ♥

    1. Tack! <3 Hon är sjuk varje sommar och det är jättejobbigt. Hon blir riktigt dålig. De vet inte vad det är. Kan vara nån allergi. Just nu går hon på cortison. Vi hoppas det räcker. En sommar blev det t o m operation... :(

  2. awww that happens to my cat when he tries to catch a bee with his paw...i hope your cat feels better soon ;)

    1. Thanks and poor your cat too! Cats can be really stupid sometimes! ;) But you have to love them! They are soooo cute!

  3. Stackars kisse, hoppas hon blir bättre snart!

    1. Tack! Det hoppas jag med! Somrarna hos oss är inget roliga när hon är sjuk hela somrarna... Årets bästa tid blir liksom den värsta...

  4. Aw, baby-kissen! Vad har hänt med lilla fossingen? Stackars liten. Ta du hand om henne och så hoppas jag hon snart mår bättre.

    1. Tack! Smilla blir sjuk varje sommar... Ev nån allergi, men ingen vet exakt. Hon fick cortison i fredags. Hoppas det hjälper. Hon känns lite piggare nu. Vi hoppas slippa de sår som kommer på tassarna varje sommar. Några år har hon fått blåsor i munnen också :( Stackarn! Det är så jobbigt att de inte kan prata ibland ;)

  5. I'm so sorry to read this, I hope Smilla gets wel soon! bacioni xx

    1. Grazie Nati! I hope so too. She gets like this every summer - sometimes she gets really bad :( Baci cara! xx

  6. Hi love, oh noooooo poor Smilla, what happened to her sweet little paw????? Hope she is already better as I type this. Nell of course sends his purrs and rubs his head at Smilla's - hugs and viele Küsschen

    1. Hi pet! Smilla gets sick every summer :( They say it's an allergy but they are not sure. Her paws get swollen, and skin cracks and she gets nasty wounds on her paws. Sometimes she gets blasters in her mouth and even trouble to move around... You feel so helpless not beeing able to help her or even ask her what's wrong... We were at the vet's last Friday and she got cortisone which I hope helps. Give Nell a nice cuddle from me! Did he enjoy his sweets? Viele Küsschen!! xxx

    2. Hi doll, oh Nell was deligjted!!!! He munched them at light speed - glad I did not give them all at the same time, so he enjoyed them over two days - thank you again so much and sorry I forgot to tell you :-( - viele Küsschen

  7. En så söt liten sjukling, får hoppas att hon blir bättre snart :)

    1. Tack! Det hoppas jag med! Det är jobbigt när ens ögonsten är sjuk...


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