Friday, 19 July 2013

Vintage Challenge: China Glaze Visit Me in Prism - swatches and review

Today it's double holo joy for me! It's both Vintage Challenge Holo Day AND Holo Friday!

Christine and I have decided that today's theme for our Vintage Challenge is "Holo" and I've got such a treat for you! This is the pretty Visit Me in Prism from China Glaze's epic collection Kaleidoscope released in 2009. It's a pale plumish pink with a weak but beautiful holo effect.

If you want to know more about the Vintage Challenge and how to join click here.


Type of polish: Holographic.

Color: A pale plumish pink with a weaker holographic effect.

Number of coats: Three. I think it's possible to get away with two coats though.

Formula: Excellent formula! Very easy to control. When it's wet there is almost no rainbows at all but as it dries they appear. It dries fairly fast. No bald spots or holo sickness warning.

Brush: A nice brush. A bit thin but still ok.

Top Coat: No.

Color accuracy in pictures: Accurate, but as often with holo - much more vivid and beautiful live!

Grade: 5/5

To me this is almost like a nude holo polish. It's perfect when you want something less in-your-face but still amazingly beautiful! I've almost used half my bottle by now and that's a lot in my book ;) It's time to start saving on those precious drops left...

How do you like Visit Me in Prism?
What is your favourite holo from the Kaleidoscope Collection?


  1. Its such a pretty holo color! :)

  2. Den är fin detta lack men jag har ingen från denna kollektion. Trodde dumt nog att jag inte behövde nån av dem..Lite dumt så här i efterhand men men. ;)

    1. It's easy to have second thoughts but don't worry you'll get some lovelies from the next holo collection ;)

  3. Hi Jezz! This is a total and complete beauty! I always kick myself because I was not that much into holos until recently, and don't wn any of these beauties!
    I suspected today was going to be the best day of the Challenge and I wasn't wrong!!
    so many gorgeousness!
    baci, xxx

    1. Ciao Nati! I love this polish too! It's so delicate and pure somehow. <3
      I'm glad you are into holos now! You have so many beauties to discover out there!! :)
      Baci! xx

  4. Hi sweetie, my jaw dropped, I got knocked out of my socks, I am floored - what an awesome holo!!! And holo sickness - LOL - what a great expression!!! I am not familiar with all of the epic China Glaze holos from 2009 but I am usually hefting my eyeball to the screen whenever I see a picture of one of them - and today there were TWO!!!! Have a lovely evening meine Süsse - puss, puss xxx

    1. Hi pet! Yes, isn't it absolutely gorgeous?!?! The whole collection is amazing! I've only got this though. Hope all is well with you pet! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow for our favorite golden oldies!! :D Viele Küsschen!!! xxx

  5. Det tog mig bara några år att inse hur vacker denna är! Å när jag sen ville ha den så va den omöjlig att få tag på! B-) Men dy lyckades gräva fram en flaska och det är tack vare dej som jag äger den idag!! :-* Precis som dy säger så är den lite av en nude holo, nude med lite grålila toner i! Me likey a lot <3 <3 <3 puss å kram

    1. "Only" a couple of years to realize how beautiful this is... "Only" :P
      And then when I go through A LOT of trouble to get you a copy you NEVER use it :P Aren't you supposed to be in your nude bubble?? Use it woman!! :P xoxo

    2. Whet!? Jag har visst använt den! Massor m ggr. Varje gång ja ska ge mej på leo mani så åker den ut! B-) Tyvärr har det ofta slutat med katastrof :( .Din leo e alltid mkt finare än min!! Ska man kanske ha såndär special base coat till den? Aqua elr va den nu heter?

    3. It's a difference between applying it and wearing it dear donkey... :P
      Yes, I think we should invest in an aqua base for our holos!! They say Nfu Oh's the best.

  6. It's so soft and delicate looking; very pretty.

  7. Visst var det n fantastisk kollektion! Jag har för mig att den släpptes redan 2006 och att OMG! kom 2007 eller tidigt på våren 2008. ;D

    1. Yes, it was an amazing collection!! I bought my bottle 2009 and I think CG released a new batch by then but it's very possible that the very first batch was released as early as 2006.

  8. Lovely Shade! From this collection I have He's running in circle via blogsale. They are pretty holo, more suitables for office and work also! ;)

    1. I love the subtle holo effect of them! Classy! And as you say suitable for work and school.

  9. Looks really pretty even if it's not "me" :)

  10. Så avis på dig som har detta i din ägo!

    1. I feel really lucky to have it. Only half the bottle left though... :/

  11. Åh vilken blingig skönhet! Min favorit från Kaleiodscope är Let's do it in 3D men det är för att jag bara har den och en till, den blekgröna. Allra snyggast baserat på andras swatcher tror jag dock att jag tycker att det lila är...

    1. Tack! Alla från Kaleidoscope är fina! Jag har tyvärr bara detta, men jag är glad att jag har det iaf :)

  12. Oh, if you ever get bored by this one, you can send it to me, so it can "visit me" and stay with me forever! Love at first sight! :-)


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