Sunday 16 February 2014

Holo Waterfall Manicure

The theme for today's Nail Art Sunday is "Red" and the possibilities were endless! In the end I chose to do a waterfall manicure. I've been wanting to try this technique for a long time.

It was both harder and easier than I thought. Easier on the clean-up. Not much mess at all. Harder to get a nice finish of the brushstrokes and to get the right proportions. I'm not that happy with the proportions on this manicure. They are sort of in no mans land. Next time I'll do them either shorter or longer.

The gorgeous holo base is Smitten Polish Just in Cases from the Love Actually Collection. The waterfalls are made with Misa Lovely Lychee (pink), Zoya Posh (red) and Orly Dazzle (silver).

I'm also joining Valentine Polish Week with this manicure - last day today :/

In shade.

How do you like this manicure?
Have you tried this technique?


  1. Nice combination of colours! :-) I know what you mean, I had the impression that my lines were too long... :-) so I'll have to try again! :-)

  2. Har gjort varianter av den men inte en ren "vattenfallsmanikyr" Med rätt färgkombinationer tycker jag att det kan vara riktigt snyggt, som i ditt fall tex.

  3. Färgerna får det att se ut som någon sorts lågor. Fint!

  4. Väldigt snyggt! Rosa och rött kan lätt skära sig, men du satte det verkligen!

  5. Väldigt snygg och spännande! Och holot, alltså shit vad snyggt, det vill jag också ha!


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